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HTMLTag tag = parse.getTag();
if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("a"))
value = tag.getAttributeValue("href");
URL u = new URL(url, value.toString());
value = u.toString();
When the </a> tag is found, the tag's text and href value are both displayed.
} else if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("/a"))
processOption(buffer.toString(), value);
If we found a regular character, and not an HTML tag, then add it to the buffer .
} else
buffer.append((char) ch);
This loop continues until all links in the file have been processed.
Recipe #6.5: Extracting Images from HTML
Images are very common on web sites. We have already seen how an image can be down-
loaded as a binary file. We can also create a bot that examines the <img> tags on a site and
then downloads the images that it finds. This recipe will extract all of the images from the
following URL.
You can see this image list in Figure 6.5.
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