Java Reference
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} else
if (this.ending)
return buffer.toString();
The HTML tag class contains two properties, which are used to hold the HTML tag.
• attributes
• name
The attributes variable contains a Map, which holds all of the name value pairs
that make up the HTML attributes. The name attribute contains a String that holds the
name of the HTML tag.
Most of the code in Listing 6.3 is contained in the toString function. The toString
function is responsible for converting this HTMLTag object back into a textual HTML tag.
The first thing that the toString function does is to create a StringBuilder to
hold the textual tag, as it is created. The StringBuilder object begins with a less-than
character and then the tag name.
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("<");
Next, a loop is entered to display each of the attributes. The attribute's value is read into
a String object, named value . A leading space is placed in front of each attribute.
Set<String> set = attributes.keySet();
for (String key : set)
String value = attributes.get(key);
buffer.append(' ');
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