Java Reference
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This recipe works differently than Recipe 3.4 in that the text file is not first loaded to a
string. Rather, the text file is read from the input stream as it is written to the output stream. A
method is provided, called downloadText , which accepts an input stream and an output
stream. The input stream should be from the URL, and the output stream should be to a disk
file. This method is shown here:
private void downloadText(InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws
The first thing that the downloadText method must do is obtain the line separator for
the current operating system. This can be done with a call to System.getProperty ,
as shown here:
byte lineSep[] = System.getProperty("line.separator").getBytes();
Next, several variables are declared. First, the variable ch is used to hold the current
character, which was just read in from the InputStream . Next, a boolean named
inLineBreak is used to hold whether the InputStream is currently inside of a line
break. The next two variables, hadLF and hadCR , are set if the line break was caused by a
line feed (char code 10) or a carriage return (char code 13). These lines are shown here:
int ch = 0;
boolean inLineBreak = false;
boolean hadLF = false;
boolean hadCR = false;
Next, a do/while loop is used to read each character in, and process it.
ch =;
Each character is then checked to see if it is a line break character.
if (ch != -1)
if ((ch == '\r') || (ch == '\n'))
The above code checks to see if the character returned is -1, which indicates we have
reached the end and there are no more characters to read. Otherwise, we check to see if the
character returned was a line break character.
inLineBreak = true;
if (ch == '\r')
if (hadCR)
hadCR = true;
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