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cubic lattice was revealed with a = 26.8 nm, and the space group Pm3n . A different
colloidal crystals phase was found for the volume-fraction range 4.0 × 10 -4 ≤ f ≤ 6.5
× 10 -4 and successfully indexed as an FCC structure with a = 39.6 nm ( Fd3m ), differ-
ent from one found previous ( Figure 3(B) and (C)). According to chemical analyses,
colloidal dispersions and the colloidal crystals contained added molecules; however,
in different molar ratios as identified by MALDI-TOF-MS, and ion-spray-MS. The
dispersions containing these molecules shown in Figure 1 (B) and (C) tested in an in
vitro assay were the most potent ones. A significant reduction in endotoxicity and the
induction of TNF was observed in the presence or absence of g-interferon in the mu-
rine bone marrow macrophage assay (Table 1) . These molecules also acted strongly on
the main inflammatory cytokines.
Figure 4. (A) Light scattering (LS) profiles of intensity I(Q) versus. Q (( l = 637.8 nm) for the liquid
phase of the aqueous lipid A-diphosphate dispersions (dark crosses). The crosses with the red
solid line represent the scattering profile of an equimolar mixture of lipid A-diphosphate and the
antagonistic molecule depicted in Figure 1(B) as well as lipid A-diphosphate. The two dispersions
are at f = 3.5 x 10 -4 , I = 0.5 mM NaCl. The profiles conform to a polydispersity of s = 5.2%
and R = 35 nm. The arrows show the positions of the first, second, and third minima in the RGD
approximation. Inset : Colloidal crystals observed on SEM images, bar = 1 µ m, (B) Experimental X-ray
powder diffraction profiles of the Pm3n cubic phase with a = 26.5 nm (see text); ( ¾ ) corresponds to
the effective colloidal structure factor, S eff (Q), calculated from the scattered light intensities revealing
a strong (200) peak. The ionic strength was 0.154 M NaCl (0.9 w/w%), and ( C) An experimental
X-ray powder diffraction profiles of the FCC phase with a = 39.6 nm with a possibly space group of
Fd3m . The solid-red line ( ¾ ) represents S eff (Q) the (222) peak at of 0.154 M NaCl. Inset: A TEM image
of the assembly and bar = 10 nm.
Sharp peaks were recorded from SAXS experiments on lipid A-diphosphate at a
volume fraction f = 5.0 × 10 -4 with an ionic strength I = 0.5 mM NaCl, indicating the
presence of long-range order ( Figure 2(B)) .
It was possible to assign virtually all of the peaks to the reflections of an FCC lat-
tice ( h 2 + k 2 + l 2 : 3, 8, 11, 12, and 16) as indicated in Figure 2, with a = 57.5 nm, corre-
sponding to the space group Fd3m . The systematically absent reflections were the h +
k , k +l and h + l 2n , for the general reflections ( hkl ) and k + l ≠ 4 n for the (0kl) zone.
The absence of these reflections reinforced the argument that the lattice type was face-
centered cubic, therefore, two space groups were possible, namely Fd3 and Fd3m . The
two space groups were also centrosymmetric and belong to the Laue classes m3 and
m3m . Note: Fd3m corresponds to special positions of Fd3 .The observed and calculat-
ed hkl sets of Bragg reflections were consistent with a combination of different sites in
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