Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 11.85. Daily average
catchment characteristics for a dry
month (March 1981, (a) and (b)) and
a wet month (September 1981,
(c) and (d)). (a) and (c) are saturation
deficit, (b) and (d) are local runoff.
b. arheimer and g. lindstr¨ m
should focus on water as it flows through river basins to
the sea, and it applies to inland surface water, ground-
water, transitional (estuarine) and coastal waters. The
ambition is to integrate both water quality and quantity
issues, and surface and groundwater issues, and their
management on the river basin scale. The overriding
objective is to obtain a good status in all waters. In
practice, the WFD demands reporting from all member
states on the water status (i.e., hydro-morphological,
physical, chemical and biological variables), measurement
plans and achievements. The water management follows a
defined six-year cycle, and is required to include local
public participation. The implementation of the WFD
was, and still is, a big challenge in many of the EU
member states as it is ambitious and often required
changes in both administration and legislation. To be able
to report and manage water at the local waterbody level, it
The issue from societal and hydrological perspectives
The European Water Framework Directive (WFD; Euro-
pean Parliament, Council, 2000 ) was launched in Decem-
ber 2000 to achieve a more integrated management of
water-related environmental objectives in the EU member
states (e.g., Chave, 2001 ) . The directive takes a broad
view of both water management to prevent any further
deterioration of water bodies, and the protection and
enhancement of the status of aquatic ecosystems and
associated wetlands. The WFD prescribes that policy
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