Database Reference
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Based on the work presented in this chapter, further research tasks can be pursued.
We tackled the database application part that resides fully on the server. Ideas presented
can be extended to include client programs interfacing with the database components using
SQL and PSM calls. These client programs could be visual interfaces or part of three-tier
applications. Moreover, complexities created by cursors like data fl ow and component de-
pendencies need further research. In addition, dynamic analysis of table row usage by SQL
statements can be used to perform row level dynamic data fl ow analysis.
Agrawal, H., Horgan, J.R., & Krauser, E.W. (1993). Incremental regression testing. Proceed-
ings of International Conference on Software Maintenance , 348-357.
Arnold, R.S., & Bohner, S. A. (1996). Software change impact analysis . IEEE Press.
Beydeda, S., & Gruhn, F. (2001). An integrated testing technique for component-based
software. Proceedings of the ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Sys-
tems and Applications .
Bible, J., Rothermel, G., & Rosenblum, D.S. (2001). A comparative study of coarse and
fi ne-grained safe regression test selection techniques. ACM Transactions on Software
Engineering and Methodology , 10 (2), 149-183.
Binkley, D. (1997). Semantics guided regression test cost reduction. IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering , 23 (8), 498-516.
Chen, Y., Rosenblum, D., & Vo, K.P. (1994). TestCube: a System for selective regression
testing. Proceedings of the 16 th
Proceedings of the 16 th
Proceedings of the 16 International Conference on Software Engineerin g,
Gupta, R., Harrold, M.J., & Soffa, M.L. (1996). Program slicing-based regression testing
techniques. Journal of Software Testing, Verifi cation and Reliability , 6 (2), 83-111.
Harrold, M.J., & Soffa, M.L. (1988). An incremental approach to unit testing during
maintenance. Proceedings of International Conference on Software Maintenance ,
Harrold, M.J., Jones, J.A., Li, T., & Liang, D. (2001). Regression test selection for Java
software. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object Oriented Programming,
Systems, Languages, and Applications .
Hartmann, J., & Robson, D.J. (1989). Revalidation during the software maintenance phase.
Proceedings of International Conference on Software Maintenance , 70-79.
Hsia, P., Li, X., Kung, D.C., Hsu, C-T., Li, L., Toyoshima, Y., & Chen, C. (1997). A tech-
nique for the selective revalidation of OO software. Journal of Software Maintenance ,
9 , 217-233.
ISO/IEC 9075. (1992). Information Technology - database languages - SQL .
ISO/IEC 9075-4. (1995). Information Technology - database language - SQL Part 4:
Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM) .
Kung, D.C., Gao, J., Hsia, P., Wen, F., Toyoshima, Y., & Chen, C. (1995). Class fi rewall, test
order, and regression testing of object-oriented programs. Journal of Object-Oriented
Programming , 8 (2), 51-56.
Leung, H.K.N., & White, L. (1990a). A study of integration testing and software regres-
sion at the integration level. Proceedings of International Conference on Software
Maintenance , 290-300.
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