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Figure 1: AM enhances other software processes
Agile Modeling (AM)
Base Software Process
(XP, RUP, DSDM, ...)
Table 1: Core and supplementary principles of Agile Modeling
Core AM principles
Supplementary AM principles
Software is your primary goal
Content is more important than presentation
Enabling the next effort is secondary goal
Know your models
Travel light
Everyone can learn from everyone else
Assume simplicity
Local adaptation
Embrace change
Open and honest communication
Incremental change
Work with people's instincts
Model with a purpose
Multiple models
Quality work
Rapid feedback
Maximize stakeholder investment
The AM methodology is a collection of practices, guided principles and values. The
values of AM, similar to those of XP, are communication , simplicity , feedback , courage ,
and humility . The keys to modeling success according to AM are to have effective com-
munication between all project stakeholders, to strive to develop the simplest solution
possible that meets all of your needs, to obtain feedback regarding your efforts often and
early, to have the courage to make and stick to your decisions, and to have the humility to
admit that you may not know everything. The core and supplementary AM principles are
derived from the XP (Table 1).
The heart of AM is its practices that are guided by the AM values and principles. AM
core practices are organized into four categories:
(1) Iterative and Incremental Modeling
• Apply the right artifacts,
• Create several models in parallel,
• Iterate to another artifact,
• Model in small increments.
(2) Teamwork
• Model with others,
• Active stakeholder participation,
• Collective ownership,
• Display models publicly.
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