Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Tulin Mangir
In this chapter, potential applications of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in biomedicine
and biomedical engineering are discussed. Because of their unique quasi-one-
dimensional structure and fascinating mechanical and electronic properties, CNTs
have captured the attention of physicists, chemists, and material scientists.
Biology and medicine are rapidly emerging as new areas for the application of
CNTs. Many CNT applications require handling in solution-phase; however,
CNTs have proven difficult to disperse in solvents. Chemical modification of
SWCNTs is often required for more versatile suspension capabilities and enable-
ment of certain applications. This has encouraged greater exploitation of
their intrinsic properties, as well as the capability to modify these properties.
In particular, the functionalization of CNTs is required for their aqueous
suspension and allowance for molecular interactions with biological systems.
Here, we summarize the breadth of techniques that have been employed in
functionalizing CNTs. We then review the potential applications in biology and
medicine and commercial applications of CNTs in biomedical engineering. We
describe some of our recent observations impact of CNTs on behavior of living
organisms. We conclude with a discussion of issues in using CNTs in biological
systems and questions of toxicity that need further exploration for full utilization
of CNTs in these applications.
Since Edison's discovery that carbon changes its resistance with pressure and a
carbon filament glows when an electric current is passed through it, the unique
properties of carbon have intrigued scientists. After more than a century of
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