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24. D. Bhaduri, S. K. Shukla, P. Graham, and M. Gokhale. Reliability analysis of fault
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25. D. Bhaduri and S. Shukla. Probabilistic analysis of self-assembled molecular networks.
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28. D. Bhaduri, S. Shukla, P. Graham, and M. Gokhale. Comparing reliability-redun-
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30. K. Patel, I. L. Markov, and J. P. Hayes. Evaluating circuit reliability under
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32. J. Han, E. Taylor, J. Gao, and J. Fortes. Faults, error bounds and reliability of
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37. C. Baier, J. P. Katoen, and H. Hermanns. Approximate symbolic model checking of
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38. B dxp/prism/.
39. M. Kwiatkowska, G. Norman, and D. Parker. Prism: probabilistic symbolic model
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40. D. Bhaduri and S. Shukla, Nanoprism: A tool for evaluating granularity vs. reliability
trade-offs in nano-architectures, In: GLSVLSI. Boston:, ACM, April 2004.
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