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Lecture Notes in Computer Science. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp 343-357, Aug
153. H. K. Lo and H. F. Chau. Quantum computers render quantum key distribution
unconditionally secure over arbitrarily long distance. 1998. (Online preprint quant-ph/
154. G. Brassard and C. Crpeau. Quantum bit commitment and coin tossing protocols. In:
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155. G. Brassard, C. Crpeau, R. Jozsa, and D. Langlois. A quantum bit commitment
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156. A. C. C. Yao. Security of quantum protocols against coherent measurements. In:
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157. G. Brassard, C. Crpeau, D. Mayers, and L. Salvail. 1998. Defeating classical bit
commitments with a quantum computer. (Online preprint quant-ph/9806031)
158. H. F. Chau and H. K. Lo. An empty promise with a quantum computer. Fortsch Phys,
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159. C. Crpeau and L. Salvail. Quantum oblivious mutual identification. In: L. C. Guillou,
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160. H. E. E. Brandt. Quantum-cryptographic entangling probe. Physical Review A, 71:
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161. T. Kim, I. Stork genannt Wersborg, F. N. C. Wong, and J. H. Shapiro. Complete
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162. H. K. Lo and H. F. Chau. Why quantum bit commitment and ideal quantum coin
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163. T. Pellizzari. Quantum Networking with Optical Fibres. Submitted to Physical Review
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164. J. I. Cirac, P. Zoller, H. J. Kimble, and H. Mabuchi. Quantum state transfer and
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165. S. Bose, V. Vedral, and P. L. Knight. A multiparticle generalization of entanglement
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166. C. H. Bennett, Brassard, Crepeau, Jozsa, Peres, and Wootters. Teleporting an
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Physical Review Letters, 70: p 1895, 1993.
167. C. H. Bennett, Brassard, Popescu, Schumacher, Smolin, and Wootters. Purification of
noisy entanglement and faithful teleportation via noisy channels. Physical Review
Letters, 76: p 722, 1996.
168. G. Brassard. Teleportation as a quantum computation. Physica D, 120: pp 43-47,
1998. (Online preprint quant-ph/9605035)
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