Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
DFG Priority Research Program
Integrated Analysis of Interglacial
Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC)
Michael Schulz and Andr
The research program INTERDYNAMIC aimed at a better understanding of
climate dynamics using quantitative paleoclimate analyses in view of creating more
reliable scenarios for future climate change. Between 2006 and 2013 a total of 22
projects were funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in this
framework. The purpose of this topic is to provide an overview of the key
and a guide to the publications that resulted from each project.
INTERDYNAMIC was based on an integrated approach in paleoclimate
research, in which all available paleoclimate archives (terrestrial and marine as well
as ice cores) were combined in order to yield a comprehensive and quantitative
analysis of global environmental variations. Moreover, through a close linkage
between paleoclimate reconstructions and results from Earth-system models,
detailed insights into the dynamics of climate variations have been gained, which
are of relevance in assessing future climate changes.
The investigations in INTERDYNAMIC focused on the interglacials of the late
Quaternary (including their onset and end). With respect to the global aspects of
climate change, the focus in INTERDYNAMIC has been on global and continent-
or basin-wide scales. Speci
cally, INTERDYNAMIC was directed towards the
following overarching topics:
Amplitudes of natural climate variations on timescales of several years to
Variations of patterns of climate variability in time and space
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