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3 Key Findings
Results are shown for MIS 1, MIS 5, and MIS 11 (Fig. 1 ). In the search for IG
optima, we distinguish qualitatively among different trend shapes. We de
ne an
optimum via a peak of high temperature or forcing, that means, an increasing trend
in the earlier and a decreasing trend in the later part of an IG.
Nine out of 29 analyzed MIS 1 series exhibit an optimum. To quantify the timing
of that Holocene climate optimum in SST records (note that ʔ R, EDC, and NH do
not peak in the Holocene), we
first discard two results, where the apparent change
point is at the interval bound. We conjecture that either measurement or proxy
uncertainties produced a gross misestimation (MD01-2412) or that the size of the
change is too small, which renders the timing estimate spurious (ODP 1089).
Δ R,Wm 2 ; all
Fig. 1 Results. Panels show forcing and temperature time series (gray dots); units
C, all temperature records but EDC and NH measure SST
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