Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 5.29 Time-distance curves obtained in the
forward and reverse directions along a refraction profile
across an unknown subsurface structure.
0 0
Distance (m)
Palmer, D. (1980) The Generalised Reciprocal Method of Seismic
Refraction Interpretation . Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
Palmer, D. (1986) Handbook of Geophysical Exploration: Section 1,
Seismic Exploration. Vol . 13: Refraction Seismics . Enpro Science
Publications, Amsterdam.
Sjagren, B. (1984) Shallow Refraction Seismics . Chapman & Hall,
Stoffa, P.L. & Buhl, P. (1979) Two-ship multichannel seismic ex-
periments for deep crustal studies: expanded spread and con-
stant offset profiles. J. Geophys. Res ., 84 , 7645-60.
Willmore, P.L. & Bancroft, A.M. (1960) The time-term approach
to refraction seismology. Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc ., 3 , 419-32.
Further reading
Cardarelli, E. & de Nardis, R. (2001) Seismic refraction, isotropic
and anisotropic seismic tomography on an ancient monument
(Antonino and Faustina temple AD141). Geophysical Prospecting ,
49 , 228-41.
Cerveny, V. & Ravindra, R. (1971) Theory of Seismic Head Waves .
University of Toronto Press.
Dobrin, M.B. & Savit, C.H. (1988) Introduction to Geophysical
Prospecting (4th edn). McGraw-Hill, NewYork.
Giese, P., Prodehl, C. & Stein, A. (eds) (1976) Explosion Seismology
in Central Europe . Springer-verlag, Berlin.
Ivansson, S. (1986) Seismic borehole tomography — theory and
computational methods: Proc. IEEE , 74 , 328-38.
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