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2. Then, we deine a generic layer deiniion. A layer will contain other game elements
so it extends the EaselJS Container . This deiniion is used only within this code
block; that's why we define it as a local variable:
var Layer = (function(){
function Layer() {; // super
Layer.prototype = Object.create(cjs.Container.prototype);
return Layer;
3. Then, we create a new deiniion for CityLayer , which extends Layer . The city
layer doesn't contain any real logic yet. We are going to work on it in later tasks:
// City Layer
game.CityLayer = (function(){
function CityLayer() {;
CityLayer.prototype = Object.create(Layer.prototype);
return CityLayer;
4. Next, we have the background layer deiniion. It also extends Layer . We put two
cloud animaions in it that move from right to let in order to make it less boring:
game.BGLayer = (function(){
function BGLayer(){; // super
// background image
var bitmap = new cjs.Bitmap('images/bg.png');
// Cloud 1 Bitmap
var cloud1 = new cjs.Bitmap('images/cloud1.png');
cloud1.y = 30;
cloud1.alpha = 0.4;
// Cloud 1 Tween Animation
cjs.Tween.get(cloud1, {loop:true})
.to({x:game.setting.gameWidth + 300}, 0)
.to({x:-300}, 50*1000);
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