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of a test is the maximum probability of accidentally rejecting a true null
hypothesis. Note that we cannot prove the null hypothesis, in other words
not guilty is not the same as innocent (Fig. 3.12).
The t-test can be performed by the function ttest2 . We load an example
data set of two independent series of measurements. The fi rst example shows
the performance of the t-test on two distributions with with the means 25.5
and 25.3, respectively, whereas the standard deviations are 1.3 and 1.5.
The binary fi le organicmatter_two.mat contains two data sets corg1 and
corg2 . First we plot both histograms in one single graph
[n1,x1] = hist(corg1);
[n2,x2] = hist(corg2);
h1 = bar(x1,n1);
hold on
h2 = bar(x2,n2);
Here we use the command set to change graphic objects of the bar plots
h1 and h2 , such as the face and edge colors of the bars. Now we apply the
function ttest2(x,y,alpha) to the two independent samples corg1 and
corg2 at an alpha=0.05 or 5% signifi cance level. The command
[h,significance,ci] = ttest2(corg1,corg2,0.05)
h =
significance =
ci =
-0.0433 0.9053
The result h=0 means that you cannot reject the null hypothesis without
another cause at a 5% signifi cance level. The signifi cance of 0.0745 means
that by chance you would have observed values of t more extreme than the
one in the example in 745 of 10,000 similar experiments. A 95% confi dence
interval on the mean is [-0.0433 0.9053], which includes the theoretical (and
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