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of the lag matrix D zeros with NaN ·s, otherwise the minimum distance will
be zero:
D2 = D.*(diag(x*NaN)+1);
lag = mean(min(D2))
lag =
While the estimated variogram values tend to become more erratic with
increasing distances, it is important to defi ne a maximum distance which
limits the calculation. As a rule of thumb, the half maximum distance is
suitable range for variogram analysis. We obtain the half maximum distance
and the maximum number of lags by:
hmd = max(D(:))/2
hmd =
max_lags = floor(hmd/lag)
max_lags =
Then the separation distances are classifi ed and the classical variogram es-
timator is calculated:
LAGS = ceil(D/lag);
for i = 1:max_lags
SEL = (LAGS == i);
DE(i) = mean(mean(D(SEL)));
PN(i) = sum(sum(SEL == 1))/2;
GE(i) = mean(mean(G(SEL)));
where SEL is the selection matrix defi ned by the lag classes in LAG , DE is
the mean lag, PN is the number of pairs, and GE is the variogram estimator.
Now we can plot the classical variogram estimator (variogram versus mean
separation distance) together with the population variance:
plot(DE,GE,'.' )
var_z = var(z)
b = [0 max(DE)];
c = [var_z var_z];
hold on
plot(b,c, '--r')
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