Graphics Programs Reference
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generated by the user. As an example, we use the colormap hot , which is a
black-red-yellow-white colormap.
surf(XI,YI,ZI), colormap('hot'), colorbar
In this case, Rotate 3D only rotates the 3D plot, not the colorbar. The func-
tion surfc combines both a surface and a 2D contour plot in one graph.
The function surfl can be used to illustrate an advanced application of 3D
visualization. It generates a 3D colored surface with interpolated shading
and lighting. The axis labeling, ticks and background can be turned off by
typing axis off . In addition, black 3D contours may be added to the sur-
face plot. The grid resolution is increased prior to data plotting in order to
obtain smooth surfaces (Fig. 7.7).
[XI,YI] = meshgrid(420:0.25:470,70:0.25:120);
ZI = griddata(data(:,1),data(:,2),data(:,3),XI,YI,'v4');
surf(XI,YI,ZI), shading interp, light, axis off
hold on
hold off
Fig. 7.7 Three-dimensional colored surface with interpolated shading and simulated lighting.
The axis labeling, ticks and background are turned off. In addition, the graph contains black
3D contours.
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