Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Constant - water content
stress path
b ms
D ms
b ts
D ts
w 0
w 0
D m
b m
D t
b t
( u a - u w )
log ( u a - u w )
Water content increase
Water content decrease
Figure 13.24 Water content constitutive surfaces for unsaturated soil: (a) arithmetic plot of stress
state variables versus water content; (b) semilogarithmic plot of stress state variables versus water
Figure 13.26 illustrates a typical SWCC plotted on a
semilogarithmic scale. A reasonably linear curve is obtained
over a wide stress change in comparison to the arithmetic
plot in Fig. 13.19. The slope of the SWCC is equal to the
D m index. The C m index can then be computed from the
C m /D m ratio obtained from the slope of the shrinkage curve
(Fig. 13.20).
Using a conversion between a semilogarithm scale and an
arithmetic scale (Lambe and Whitman, 1979), the C t , C m ,
D t , and D m indices can be written in terms of the a t , a m ,
b t , and b m coefficients:
e 0
C t
a t σ u a ave
0 . 435
C t =
a m u a u w ave
0 . 435
C ts
C m =
b t σ u a ave
0 . 435
D t =
b m u a u w ave
0 . 435
Net normal stress (
- u a )
D m =
Figure 13.25 Typical compression curve for compacted soil plot-
ted to semilogarithmic scale.
u a ) ave =
average of the initial and final net normal
stresses for an increment and
Figure 13.25 shows a typical compression curve for an
unsaturated, compacted soil. The results show that the void
ratio versus net normal stress curve can be largely linearized
when a logarithmic scale is used for the stress state variable.
The compressive index C t can be computed from Fig. 13.25
and is commonly referred to as the compression index C c
for the saturated soil. The D t
(u a u w ) ave =
average of the initial and final matric suc-
tions for an increment.
The 0.435 constant arises from the logarithm of the natural
log base taken to the base 10 (i.e., log 10 2 . 718). Even though
the extreme planes take on a linear relationship, the cross
section of the constitutive surface on the logarithmic, the
index is related to C t on the
saturation plane:
log σ u a and log u a u w plane is no longer a series
of straight lines as observed on the arithmetic σ u a
and u a u w plane. Figure 13.27 shows a comparison
C t = D t G s
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