Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 13.4 Testing soil structure constitutive surface of illite clay for uniqueness (after Barden
et al., 1969a).
Figure 13.5 Testing degree-of-saturation constitutive surface of illite clay for uniqueness (after
Barden et al., 1969a).
describing volume change behavior (Aitchison and
Woodburn, 1969; Brackley, 1971; Aitchison and Martin,
1973). The use of σ u a and u a u w as stress state
variables for an unsaturated soil was further advocated by
Fredlund and Morgenstern (1977). A stress analysis based
on multiphase continuum mechanics showed that any two
of three independent stress variables (i.e., σ u a , u a u w ,
and σ u w ) could be used to describe the stress state.
Experiments to test uniqueness of constitutive surfaces
provided further evidence as to why σ u a and u a u w
have been successfully used to describe the volume change
characteristics of an unsaturated soil.
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