Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 11.15 Relationships between c, d , φ ,and ψ .
The above equation can be rearranged by substituting
distance between points T and O (i.e., TO ):
Eq. 11.24 for d and substituting u a
u w f for r f in order
to obtain the relationship between, ψ b , φ b , and φ :
tan ψ =
tan φ
tan ψ b
tan φ b cos φ
Substituting Eq. 11.21 into Eq. 11.22 and rearranging
Eq. 11.22 yields
The above relationships can be used to define the
stress point envelope corresponding to an extended Mohr-
Coulomb failure envelope or vice versa. The extended
Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope can be established by test-
ing a soil under saturated and unsaturated conditions. The
Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope for the saturated condition
gives the angle of internal friction φ and the effective
cohesion c .
The cohesion intercept c can be obtained from a single
Mohr circle if a planar failure envelope is assumed at an
angle φ and the matric suction is known. Figure 11.17 illus-
trates the construction of a Mohr circle at failure with its
corresponding p f and q f values. A failure envelope with a
slope angle φ is drawn tangent to the Mohr circle at point
A . The envelope intersects the shear strength axis at point B
and the σ
c cos φ
When matric suction at failure is equal to zero (i.e., the
saturated condition), Eq. 11.23 becomes
d =
c cos φ
Figure 11.16 shows the intersection lines of the extended
Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope and the stress point
envelope on the shear strength versus matric suction plane.
The intersection lines associated with the extended Mohr-
Coulomb failure envelope and the stress point envelope
are defined by Eqs. 11.12 and 11.18, respectively. The
ratio between the d and c values is always constant and
equal to cos φ (i.e., Eq. 11.23) at various matric suctions.
As a result, the difference between the d and c values
is not constant for different matric suctions. In other
words, the intersection lines are not parallel, or put another
way, φ b
u a axis at point T . The cohesion intercept c is
computed from triangle TBO (Fig. 11.17):
p f tan φ
q f
sin φ
ψ b . Substituting Eq. 11.12 and Eq. 11.18 into
Eq. 11.23 gives the following relationship:
Rearranging Eq. 11.27 gives
c cos φ + u a
u w f tan φ b cos φ .
d +
r f tan ψ b
q f
cos φ
p f tan φ
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