Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Beef gulášand dumplings
You can also go to a pekárna or pekařství (bakery), or to one of the French or Vien-
nese bakeries, for loupáčky (like croissants but smaller and heavier). Czech bread, es-
pecially rye, is excellent and varied.
Oběd (lunch) is traditionally the main meal of the day and, except for on Sundays,
it's often a hurried affair. Czechs are usually early risers, and so they may sit down to
lunch as early as 11.30am, though late-comers can still find leftovers for lunch in
many restaurants as late as 3pm.
Having stuffed themselves at lunchtime, for many Czechs večeře (dinner) is a light
meal, perhaps only a platter of cold meats, cheese and pickles with bread.
Czech Specialities
The first course of a meal is usually a hearty polévka (soup) - often bramboračka
(potato soup), houbová polévka (mushroom soup) or hovězí vývar (beef broth). Ones
worth looking out for are cibulačka (onion soup), a delicious, creamy concoction of
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