Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The Church of Sts Cyril & Methodius houses a moving memorial to the seven
Czech paratroopers who were involved in the assassination of Reichsprotektor
Reinhard Heydrich in 1942 (see the boxed text, CLICK HERE ), with an exhibit
and video about Nazi persecution of the Czechs.
The paratroopers hid in the church's crypt for three weeks after the killing, un-
til their hiding place was betrayed by the Czech traitor Karel Čurda. The Ger-
mans besieged the church, first attempting to smoke the paratroopers out and
then flooding the crypt with fire hoses. Three paratroopers were killed in the en-
suing fight; the other four took their own lives rather than surrender to the Ger-
In the crypt itself you can still see the bullet marks and shrapnel scars on the
walls, and signs of the paratroopers' last desperate efforts to dig an escape tun-
nel to the sewer under the street. On the Resslova side of the church, the nar-
row gap in the wall of the crypt where the Germans inserted their fire hoses is
still pitted with bullet marks .
» The bullet-scarred exterior wall of the church.
» The moving exhibit in the crypt.
» Národní památník hrdinů Heydrichiády
» 224 916 100
» Resslova 9
» adult/concession 75/35Kč
» 9am-5pm Tue-Sun Mar-Oct, 9am-5pm Tue-Sat Nov-Feb
» Karlovo Náměstí
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