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Now, open the contacts2.db file using SQLite Browser (navigating to File | Open
Database ) and browse through the data present in different tables. The calls table
present in the contacts2.db file provides information about the call history. The fol-
lowing screenshot highlights the call history along with the name , number , duration ,
and date .
Extracting SMS/MMS
During the course of investigation, a forensic examiner may be asked to retrieve the text
messages that are sent by and delivered to a particular mobile device. Hence, it is import-
ant to understand where the details are stored and how to access the data. The
mmssms.db file which is present under the /data/data/ location contains the neces-
sary details. As with call logs, the examiner must ensure that applications capable of mes-
saging are examined for relevant message logs, as follows:
C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb.exe pull /data/
data/ C:\temp
pull: building file list...
.. .. ..
-> C:\temp/databases/telephony.db-journal
pull: /data/data/
mmssms.db -> C:\temp/databases/mmssms.db
pull: /data/data/
telephony.db -> C:\temp/databases/telephony.db
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