Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
directory contains unique databases for each website, as shown in the following screen-
The LocalStorage folder contents
The photos metadata
A manifestation of the photos in the device's photo album is stored in a database located at
/private/var/mobile/Media/PhotoData/Photos.sqlite . The photos
metadata database file is a member of CameraRollDomain .
You can run the following commands to view the photos stored in the database:
$sqlite3 Photos.sqlite
SQLite version 3.7.12 2012-04-03 19:43:07
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite>.mode csv
sqlite>.output photos.csv
sqlite>.headers on
sqlite> SELECT z_pk, ztitle, datetime(zdatecreated +
978307200,'unixepoch') as zdatecreated,
datetime(zmodificationdate+ 978307200,'unixepoch') as
zmodificationdate, zfilename, zdirectory, zwidth, zheight
FROM zgenericasset
Consolidated GPS cache
Geolocation history of cell towers and Wi-Fi on the device is stored in one of the two pos-
sible databases that are located at /private/var/root/Caches/locationd/ .
The databases are either consolidated.db or cache_encryptedA.db . Both
database files are members of RootDomain . The version of iOS will determine which
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