Information Technology Reference
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sqlite>.headers on
sqlite> SELECT rowid, address,
datetime(date,'unixepoch','localtime') as date, duration ||
" sec" as duration, case flags
when 4 then "Incoming"
when 5 then "Outgoing"
when 8 then "Blocked"
when 16 then "Facetime"
else "Dropped"
end as flags, id, country_code, network_code
FROM call
SMS messages
The Short Message Service ( SMS ) database contains text and multimedia messages that
were sent from and received by the device, along with the phone number of the remote
party, date and time, and other carrier information. Starting with iOS 5, iMessages data is
also stored in the SMS database. iMessage allows users to send SMS and MMS messages
over a cellular or Wi-Fi network to other iOS or OS X users, thus providing an alternative
to SMS. The SMS database is a HomeDomain file and can be found at /private/
var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db .
You can run the following commands to dump the SMS database into a CSV file named
sms.csv :
$sqlite3 sms.db
SQLite version 3.7.12 2012-04-03 19:43:07
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite>.mode csv
sqlite>.output sms.csv
sqlite>.headers on
sqlite> SELECTm.rowid as rowid,datetime(date + 978307200,
'unixepoch') as date, as "phone number", m.service as
service,case is_from_me
when 0 then "Received"
when 1 then "Sent"
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