Information Technology Reference
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402 used pages in block
LwVM header CRC OK
cprotect version : 4 (iOS 5)
iOS version: 5.1.1
Keybag state: locked
(iPhone4-data) /
Run the bruteforce command to brute force the passcode and unlock the keybag:
(iPhone4-data) / bruteforce
Passcode comlexity (from OpaqueStuff) : 4 digits
Enter passcode or leave blank for bruteforce:
Hit Enter and you will see the following command lines:
Passcode "" OKKeybag state: unlocked
Save device information plist to [b716de7905.plist]:
Hit Enter to save the encryption keys to a plist file ( b716de7905.plist ).
Run the nand_dump command as shown in the following command lines. It copies the
NAND image to the dataprotection folder.
(iPhone4-data) / nand_dump iphone4-nand.bin
Dumping 16GB NAND to iphone4-nand.bin
100% |############################################|
NAND dump time : 0:45:36.200233
SHA1: a16aa578679ef6a787c8c26a40de4b745a3ae179
Once the NAND image and the plist file are obtained, you can use
and run the undelete command to recover the deleted files, as shown in the following
command lines:
$sudo python python_scripts/
iphone4-nand.bin b716de7905.plist
Loading device information from b716de7905.plist
Device model: iPhone 4 GSM
UDID: b716de79051ef093a98fc3ff1c46ca5e36faabc3
ECID: 1937316564364
Serial number: 870522V6A4S
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