Java Reference
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The high-level XMLEventReader interface offers a somewhat less efficient but
more object-oriented way to read XML data with StAX. This interface's boolean
hasNext() method returns true when there is a next event to obtain; otherwise,
it returns false. The XMLEvent nextEvent() method returns the next event as
an object whose class implements a subinterface of the interface.
Note XMLEvent isthebaseinterfaceforhandlingmarkupevents.Itdeclaresmeth-
odsthatapplytoallsubinterfaces; forexample, Location getLocation() (re-
turn a object whose int getCharacter-
Offset() and other methods return location information about the event) and int
getEventType() (return the event type as an XMLStreamConstants infoset
constant, such as START_ELEMENT and
PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION XMLEvent extends XMLStreamConstants ).
XMLEvent issubtypedbyother interfacesthatde-
scribe different kinds of events (e.g., Attribute ) in terms of methods that return
infoset item-specific information (such as Attribute 's QName getName() and
String getValue() methods).
Thefollowingexampleusesthe hasNext() and nextEvent() methodstocodify
a parsing loop that detects the start and end of an element:
while (xmler.hasNext())
switch (xmler.nextEvent().getEventType())
case XMLEvent.START_ELEMENT: // Do something at ele-
ment start.
case XMLEvent.END_ELEMENT : // Do something at ele-
ment end.
Listing 10-17 presents the source code to a StAXDemo application that reports an
XML document's start and end elements via an event-based reader.
Listing 10-17. StAXDemo (version 2)
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