Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Parsing XML Documents
Document readers are obtained by calling the various “ create ” methods that are
declared in the class. These creational
methods are organized into two categories: methods for creating stream-based readers
and methods for creating event-based readers.
instance of the factory by calling one of the newFactory() class methods, such as
XMLInputFactory newFactory() :
XMLInputFactory xmlif = XMLInputFactory.newFactory();
Note Youcanalsocallthe XMLInputFactory newInstance() classmethod
but might not wish to do so because its same-named but parameterized companion
method has been deprecated to maintain API consistency, and it is probable that
newInstance() will be deprecated as well.
The newFactory() methods follow an ordered lookup procedure to locate the
XMLInputFactory implementation class. This procedure first examines the systemproperty,andlastlychoosesthe
nameoftheJavaplatform'sdefault XMLInputFactory implementationclass.Ifthis
procedure cannot find a classname, or if the class cannot be loaded (or instantiated),
the class.
After creating the factory, call XMLInputFactory 's void setProp-
erty(String name, Object value) method to set various features and
properties as necessary. For example, you might execute xm-
lif.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_VALIDATING, true); ( true
is passed as a Boolean object via autoboxing, discussed in Chapter 5 ) to request a
DTD-validating stream-based reader. However, the default StAX factory implement-
ation throws IllegalArgumentException because it doesn't support DTD val-
idation. Similarly, you might execute xm-
lif.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_NAMESPACE_AWARE, true);
to request a namespace-aware event-based reader, which is supported.
Parsing Documents with Stream-Based Readers
A stream-based reader is created by calling one of XMLInputFactory 's cre-
ateXMLStreamReader() methods, such as XMLStreamReader
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