Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Note Apart from DocumentBuilder , DocumentBuilderFactory , and a
few other classes, DOM is based on interfaces, of which Document and Docu-
mentType are examples. Behind the scenes, DOM methods (such as the parse()
methods) return objects whose classes implement these interfaces.
Document andall other org.w3c.dom interfaces that describe different kindsof
nodes are subinterfaces of the org.w3.dom.Node interface. As such, they inherit
Node 's constants and methods.
Node declares twelve constants that represent the various kinds of nodes;
ATTRIBUTE_NODE and ELEMENT_NODE are examples. When you want to identify
the kind of node represented by a given Node object, call Node 's short
getNodeType() method and compare the returned value to one of these constants.
Note Therationaleforusing getNodeType() andtheseconstants,insteadofus-
ing instanceof andaclassname,isthatDOM(theobjectmodel,nottheJavaDOM
API) was designed to be language independent, and languages such as AppleScript
don't have the equivalent of instanceof .
Node declares several methods for getting and setting common node properties.
Thesemethodsinclude String getNodeName() , String getLocalName() ,
String getNamespaceURI() , String getPrefix() , void setPre-
fix(String prefix) , String getNodeValue() , and void
setNodeValue(String nodeValue) , which let you get and (for some proper-
ties)setanode'sname(suchas #text ),localname,namespaceURI,prefix,andnor-
malized string value properties.
Note Various Node methods (e.g., setPrefix() and getNodeValue() )
throw an instance of the org.w3c.dom.DOMException class when something
goes wrong. For example, setPrefix() throws this exception when the prefix
argument contains an illegal character, the node is read-only, or the argument is
malformed. Similarly, getNodeValue() throws DOMException when
getNodeValue() would return more characters than can fit into a DOMString
(a W3C type) variable on the implementation platform. DOMException declares a
seriesofconstants(suchas DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR )thatclassifythereasonforthe
Node declaresseveralmethodsfornavigatingthenodetree.Threeofitsnavigation
methods are boolean hasChildNodes() (return true when a node has child
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