Java Reference
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stract FactoryConfigurationError and ParserConfigurationExcep-
tion classes. The org.w3c.dom , org.w3c.dom.bootstrap , , and packages provide various types
that augment this implementation.
ThefirststepinworkingwithDOMistoinstantiate DocumentBuilderFactory
by calling one its newInstance() methods. For example, the following example
invokes DocumentBuilderFactory 's static DocumentBuilderFactory
newInstance() method:
Behindthescenes, newInstance() followsanorderedlookupproceduretoidenti-
fy the DocumentBuilderFactory implementation class to load. This procedure
first examines the javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory system
property, and lastly chooses the Java platform's default DocumentBuilderFact-
ory implementation class when no other class is found. If an implementation class
is not available (perhaps the class identified by the
javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory system property doesn't
exist) or cannot be instantiated, newInstance() throws an instance of the Fact-
oryConfigurationError class.Otherwise,itinstantiatestheclassandreturnsits
After obtaining a DocumentBuilderFactory instance, you can call various
configuration methods to configure the factory. For example, you could call Docu-
mentBuilderFactory 's void setNamespaceAware(boolean aware-
ness) method with a true argument to tell the factory that any returned parser
(known as a document builder to DOM) must provide support for XML namespaces.
Youcanalsocall void setValidating(boolean validating) with true
as the argument to validate documents against their DTDs, or call void setS-
chema(Schema schema) to validate documents against the
javax.xml.validation.Schema instance identified by schema .
JAXP includes the Validation API to decouple document parsing from validation,
which makes it easier for applications to take advantage of specialized validation
libraries that support additional schema languages (e.g., Relax NG—see ht-
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