Java Reference
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demonstrated by the following example—the code makes no attempt to align the tem-
perature values in perfect columns:
for (int row = 0; row < temperatures.length; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < temperatures[row].length; col++)
System.out.print(temperatures[row][col]+" ");
eachdimension separately.Forexample, tocreate atwo-dimensional arrayvia new in
one-dimensional column array (the inner array), as demonstrated here:
// Create the row array.
double[][] temperatures = new double[3][]; // Note the ex-
tra empty pair of brackets.
// Create a column array for each row.
for (int row = 0; row < temperatures.length; row++)
temperatures[row] = new double[2]; // 2 columns per row
Thiskindofanarrayisknownasa ragged array becauseeachrowcanhaveadiffer-
ent number of columns; the array is not rectangular, but is ragged.
Note Whencreatingtherowarray,youmustspecifyanextrapairofemptybrackets
aspartoftheexpressionfollowing new .(Forathree-dimensionalarray—aone-dimen-
cify two pairs of empty brackets as part of the expression following new .)
You can combine new with Chapter 1 's array initialization syntax if desired. For
example, Image[] imArray = new Image[] { new
Image("image0.png"), new Image("image1.png") }; createsapairof
Image objectsandatwo-element Image arrayobjectinitializedtothe Image objects'
references, and assigns the array's reference to imArray .
When you create an array in this manner, you are not permitted to specify an
integral expression between the square brackets. For example, the compiler reports an
error when it encounters Image[] imArray = new Image[2] { new
Image("image0.png"), new Image("image1.png") }; . To correct this
error, remove the 2 from between the square brackets.
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