Java Reference
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void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length)
reports an element's character data via the ch array. The arguments that are
passedto start and length identifythatportionofthearraythat'srelevant
to this method call. Characters are passed via a char[] array instead of via
a String instance as a performance optimization. Parsers commonly store a
array along with updated start and length values to characters() .
void endDocument() reports that the end of the document has been
some other cleanup.
void endElement(String uri, String localName, String
qName) reports that the end of an element has been reached. uri identifies
the element's namespace URI, or is empty when there is no namespace URI
ornamespaceprocessinghasnotbeenenabled. localName identifiestheele-
ment's local name, which is the name without a prefix (the html in html
or h:html ,forexample). qName referencesthequalifiedname;forexample,
h:html or html whenthereisnoprefix. endElement() isinvokedwhen
anendtagisdetected,orimmediatelyfollowing startElement() whenan
empty-element tag is detected.
void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) reports that the end of
a namespace prefix mapping ( xmlns:h , for example) has been reached, and
prefix reports this prefix ( h , for example).
void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int
length) reports ignorable whitespace (whitespace located between tags
indent tags. The parameters serve the same purpose as those in the charac-
ters() method.
void processingInstruction(String target, String
data) reports a processing instruction, where target identifies the applic-
ation to which the instruction is directed and data provides the instruction's
data (the null reference when there is no data).
void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) reports an
org.xml.sax.Locator object (an instance of a class implementing the
Locator interface) whose int getColumnNumber() , int
getLineNumber() , String getPublicId() , and String
getSystemId() methodscanbecalledtoobtainlocationinformationatthe
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