Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Note According to its official website ( ),
SAX originated as an XML parsing API for Java. However, SAX is not exclusive
to Java. Microsoft also supports SAX for its .NET framework (see ht-
tp:// ).
tion ofthis API to help youbecome familiar with its event-based parsing paradigm. It
then shows you how to create a custom entity resolver.
Exploring the SAX API
SAX exists in two major versions. Java implements SAX 1 through the
javax.xml.parsers package'sabstract SAXParser and SAXParserFactory
classes, and implements SAX 2 through the org.xml.sax package's XMLReader
interface and through the org.xml.sax.helpers package's XMLReaderFact-
ory class. The org.xml.sax , org.xml.sax.ext , and
org.xml.sax.helpers packagesprovidevarioustypesthataugmentbothJavaim-
Note IexploreonlytheSAX2implementationbecauseSAX2makesavailablead-
Classes that implement the XMLReader interface describe SAX 2-based parsers.
Instances of these classes are obtained by calling the XMLReaderFactory class's
createXMLReader() methods. For example, the following example invokes this
class's static XMLReader createXMLReader() methodtocreate andreturn
an XMLReader instance:
XMLReader xmlr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
Thismethodcallreturnsaninstanceofan XMLReader -implementingclassandas-
signs its reference to xmlr .
Note Behindthescenes, createXMLReader() attemptstocreatean XMLRead-
er instancefromsystemdefaults,accordingtoalookupprocedurethatfirstexamines
the org.xml.sax.driver system property to see if it has a value. If so, this
property's value is used as the name of the class that implements XMLReader , and
an attempt is made to instantiate this class and return the instance. An instance of
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