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Note Document Type Definition and document type declaration are two different
a document type declaration.
A document type declaration appears immediately after the XML declaration and is
specified in one of the following ways:
<!DOCTYPE root-element-name SYSTEM uri > references an ex-
ternal but private DTD via uri . The referenced DTD is not available for
public scrutiny. For example, I might store my recipe language's DTD file
( recipe.dtd ) in a private dtds directory on my
website, and use <!DOCTYPE recipe SYSTEM "ht-
tp://"> to identify this
DTD's location via system identifier
dtds/recipe.dtd .
<!DOCTYPE root-element-name PUBLIC fpi uri > references
an external but public DTD via fpi , a formal public identifier (see ht-
tp:// ) ,
and uri .IfavalidatingXMLparsercannotlocatetheDTDviapublicidentifier
fpi , it can use system identifier uri to locate the DTD. For example,
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Trans-
itional//EN" "
l1-transitional.dtd"> referencestheXHTML1.0DTDfirstviapub-
lic identifier -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN , and
second via system identifier
xhtml1-transitional.dtd .
<!DOCTYPE root-element [ dtd ]> referencesaninternalDTD,one
that is embedded within the XML document. The internal DTD must appear
between square brackets.
Listing10-8 presents Listing10-1 (minusthechildelementsbetweenthe <recipe>
and </recipe> tags) with an internal DTD.
Listing 10-8. The recipe document with an internal DTD
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE recipe [
<!ELEMENT recipe (title, ingredients, instructions)>
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
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