Java Reference
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Note Aswith Listings10-1 and 10-2 , Listing10-3 alsocontains whitespace (invis-
ible characters such as spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds). The XML spe-
content (such as spaces between words) is considered part of the content. In contrast,
tag. Such whitespace is not considered part of the content.
AnXMLelement'sstarttagcancontainoneormoreattributes.Forexample, Listing
10-1 ' s <ingredient> tag has a qty (quantity) attribute, and Listing 10-3 ' s
<article> taghas title and lang attributes.Attributesprovideadditionalinform-
ationaboutelements.Forexample, qty identifiestheamountofaningredientthatcan
beadded, title identifiesanarticle'stitle,and lang identifiesthelanguageinwhich
thearticleiswritten( en forEnglish).Attributescanbeoptional.Forexample,if qty is
not specified, a default value of 1 is assumed.
Note Element and attribute names may contain any alphanumeric character from
English or another language, and may also include the underscore ( _ ), hyphen ( - ),
period( . ),andcolon( : )punctuation characters. Thecolonshouldonlybeusedwith
namespaces (discussed later in this chapter), and names cannot contain whitespace.
Character References and CDATA Sections
and an end tag, or within an attribute value. For example, you cannot place a literal <
character betweenastarttagandanendtagbecausedoingsowouldconfuseanXML
parser into thinking that it had encountered another tag.
Onesolutiontothisproblemistoreplacetheliteralcharacterwitha character refer-
ence ,whichisacodethatrepresentsthecharacter.Characterreferencesareclassifiedas
numeric character references or character entity references:
• A numeric character reference referstoacharacterviaitsUnicodecodepoint,
andadherestotheformat &#nnnn; (notrestrictedtofourpositions)or &#xh-
hhh; (notrestrictedtofourpositions),where nnnn providesadecimalrepres-
entationofthecodepointand hhhh providesahexadecimalrepresentation.For
example, &#0931; and &#x03A3; represent the Greek capital letter sigma.
AlthoughXMLmandatesthatthe x in &#x hhhh ; belowercase,itisflexiblein
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