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Note XMLandHTMLaredescendentsof Standard Generalized Markup Language
(SGML) , which is the original metalanguage for creating vocabularies—XML is es-
sentially a restricted form of SGML, while HTML is an application of SGML. The
vocabulariesare XML applications .XHTMLwascreatedtobeacleanerimplementa-
tion of HTML.
isttolearnhowtocreateanXMLdocument.Toprovethistoyourself,checkout Listing
10-1 .
Listing 10-1. XML-based recipe for a grilled cheese sandwich
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
<ingredient qty="2">
bread slice
cheese slice
<ingredient qty="2">
margarine pat
Place frying pan on element and select medium heat.
For each bread slice, smear
one pat of margarine on one side of bread slice. Place
cheese slice between bread
slices with margarine-smeared sides away from the
cheese. Place sandwich in frying
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