Java Reference
In-Depth Information
sqlex = sqlex.getNextException();
Aftersuccessfullyestablishingaconnectiontothe employee datasource, main()
into, querying, and dropping an EMPLOYEES table.
The executeQuery() methodreturnsa ResultSet objectthatprovidesaccess
toaquery'stabularresults.Eachresultsetisassociatedwitha cursor thatprovidesac-
cesstoaspecificrowofdata.Thecursorinitiallypointsbeforethefirstrow;call Res-
ultSet 's boolean next() methodtoadvancethecursortothenextrow.Aslong
as there's a next row, this method returns true; it returns false when there are no more
rows to examine.
ResultSet also declares various methods for returning the current row's column
valuesbasedontheirtypes.Forexample, int getInt(String columnLabel)
returns the integer value corresponding to the INTEGER -based column identified by
columnLabel . Similarly, String getString(String columnLabel) re-
turns the string value corresponding to the VARCHAR -based column identified by
columnLabel .
Tip If you don't have column names but have zero-based column indexes, call
ResultSet methodssuchas int getInt(int columnIndex) and String
getString(int columnIndex) . However, best practice is to call int
getInt(String columnLabel) .
Compile Listing 9-17 ( javac ) and run this application
( java EmployeeDB ). You should observe the following output:
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