Java Reference
In-Depth Information
DBcreatesa log directorytostoretransactionlogs,a seg0 directorytostorethedata
files, and a file to store configuration parameters.
Note JavaDBdoesn'tprovideanSQLcommandtodrop(destroy)adatabase.Des-
troying a database requires that you manually delete its directory structure.
Java DB Installation and Configuration
%JAVA_HOME%\db onWindowsplatforms,orintothe db subdirectoryintheequival-
tion when presenting environment variable paths.)
Note IfocusonJavaDB10.8.1.2inthischapterbecauseit'sincludedwithJDK7
build 1.7.0-b147, which is the Java build on which this topic is based.
The db directory contains five files and the following pair of subdirectories:
• The bin directory contains scripts for setting up embedded and client/server
environments, running command-line tools, and starting/stopping the network
server.Youshouldaddthisdirectorytoyour PATH environmentvariablesothat
you can conveniently execute its scripts from anywhere in the filesystem.
• The lib directory contains various JAR files that house the engine library
( derby.jar ), the command-line tools libraries ( derbytools.jar and
derbyrun.jar ),thenetworkserverlibrary( derbynet.jar ),thenetwork
clientlibrary( derbyclient.jar ),andvariouslocalelibraries.Thisdirect-
ory also contains derby.war , which is used to register the network server's
servlet at the /derbynet relative path—it's also possible to manage the
Java DB network server remotely via the servlet interface (see ht-
minservlet98430.html ) .
Additionally, the %JAVA_HOME%\demo\db directory contains various Java DB
Before you can run the tools and demos, and start/stop the network server, you
must set the DERBY_HOME environment variable. Set this variable for Windows via
set DERBY_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%\db , and for Unix (Korn shell) via export
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