Java Reference
In-Depth Information
After creating a cookie manager and invoking setCookiePolicy() to set the
cookie manager's policy to accept all cookies, ListAllCookies installs the cookie
manager as the system-wide cookie handler. It next connects to the domain identified
by the command-line argument and reads the content (via URL 's Object getCon-
tent() method).
Thecookiestoreisobtainedvia getCookieStore() andusedtoretrieveallnon-
expiredcookiesviaits List<HttpCookie> getCookies() method.Foreachof
these s, String getName() , String getValue() ,
and other HttpCookie methods are invoked to return cookie-specific information.
The following output resulted from invoking java ListAllCookies ht-
tp:// :
Name = frontend
Value = tk95grc7tko42ghghu3qcep5l6
Lifetime (seconds) = 29985
Path = /
Note For more information about cookie management, including examples that
show you how to create your own CookiePolicy and CookieStore imple-
mentations, check out The Java Tutorial 's “Working With Cookies” lesson ( ht-
index.html ) .
Interacting with Databases
A database ( ) is an organized
oriented,andrelational), relational databases ,whichorganizedataintotablesthatcan
be related to each other, are common. (Each table row stores a single item, such as an
employee, and each column stores a single item attribute, such as an employee's name.)
Exceptforthemosttrivialofdatabases(e.g., Chapter8 'sflatfiledatabase),databases
are created and managed through a database management system (DBMS). Relational
DBMSes (RDBMSes) support Structured Query Language (SQL) for working with
tables and more.
Note Forbrevity,Iassumethatyou'refamiliarwithSQL.Ifnot,youmightwantto
check out Wikipedia's “SQL” entry ( )
for an introduction.
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