Java Reference
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so useful.
Java programs create objects that occupy memory. To reduce the possibility of run-
ning out of memory, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)'s garbage collector occasionally
performs garbage collection by locating objects that are no longer being used and re-
movingthisgarbagetofreeupmemory. Chapter2 concludesbyintroducingyoutothe
garbage collection process.
Declaring Classes and Creating Objects
Structured programs create data structures that organize and store data items, and ma-
cedures that manipulate them. Although Java lets you create applications in a similar
fashion, this language is really about declaring classes and creating objects from these
classes. These program entities are the fundamental units of a Java program.
objectsfromthisclasswiththehelpofthe new operatorandaconstructor.Thesection
learn how to create arrays using the same new operator that's used to create an object
from a class.
Declaring Classes
A class is a template for manufacturing objects (named aggregates of code and data),
whicharealsoknownas class instances ,or instances forshort.Classesgeneralizereal-
world entities, and objects are specific manifestations of these entities at the program
cutters create.
theheaderconsistsofreservedword class followedbyanamethatidentifiestheclass
(so that it can be referred to from elsewhere in the source code). The body starts with
anopenbracecharacter( { )andendswithaclosebrace( } ).Sandwichedbetweenthese
delimiters are various kinds of declarations. Consider Listing 2-1 .
Listing 2-1. Declaring a skeletal Image class
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