Java Reference
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erField(int n) methodswereusedtoaccessaresponse's Set-Cookie headers,
andthe void setRequestProperty(String key, String value) meth-
od was used to create a request's Cookie header.
Note RFC 2109: HTTP State Management Mechanism ( ht-
tp:// ) describes the Set-Cookie and
Cookie headers.
Java 5 introduced the abstract class as a callback
concrete HttpURLConnection subclass).Anapplicationinstallsaconcrete Cook-
ieHandler subclass as the system-wide cookie handler via the CookieHandler
class's void setDefault(CookieHandler cHandler) classmethod.Acom-
panion CookieHandler getDefault() classmethodreturnsthiscookiehandler,
which is null when a system-wide cookie handler hasn't been installed.
An HTTP protocol handler accesses response and request headers. This handler in-
vokes the system-wide cookie handler's void put(URI uri, Map<String,
List<String>> responseHeaders) method to store response cookies in a
cookiecache,andinvokesthe Map<String, List<String>> get(URI uri,
Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders) method to fetch request
cookies from this cache. Unlike Java 5, Java 6 introduced a concrete implementation
of CookieHandler sothat HTTPprotocol handlers andapplications canworkwith
The concrete class extends CookieHandler to
manage cookies. A CookieManager object is initialized as follows:
• With a cookie store for storing cookies. The cookie store is based on the interface.
• Witha cookie policy fordeterminingwhichcookiestoacceptforstorage.The
cookie policy is based on the interface.
Create a cookie manager by calling either the CookieManager() constructor
or the CookieManager(CookieStore store, CookiePolicy policy)
constructor. The CookieManager() constructor invokes the latter constructor with
null arguments, using the default in-memory cookie store and the default accept-
CookieStore and CookiePolicy implementations, you'll most likely work with
the default constructor. The following example creates and establishes a new Cook-
ieManager object as the system-wide cookie handler:
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