Java Reference
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RFC 1945: Hypertext Transfer Protocol—HTTP/1.0 (
rfc/rfc1945.txt ) informs you about HTTP 1.0 providing a simple challenge-re-
sponse mechanism that a server can use to challenge a client's request to access some
resource. Furthermore, the client can use this mechanism to provide credentials (typ-
icallyusernameandpassword)that authenticate (prove)theclient'sidentity.Whenthe
suppliedcredentialssatisfytheserver,theuseris authorized (allowed)toaccessthere-
To challenge a client, the originating server issues a “401 Unauthorized” message.
Thismessageincludesa WWW-Authenticate HTTPheaderthatidentifiesan authen-
tication scheme (the approach taken to achieve authentication) via a case-insensitive
token .Acomma-separatedsequenceofattribute/valuepairsfollowsthetokentosupply
with an Authorization header that provides the credentials.
Note HTTP1.1madeitpossibletoauthenticateaclientwithaproxy.Tochallenge
includesa Proxy-Authenticate header.Aclientrepliesviaa Proxy-Author-
ization header.
Basic Authentication and the Authenticator Class
HTTP1.0introducedthe basic authentication scheme bywhichaclientidentifiesitself
via a username and a password. The basic authentication scheme works as follows:
• The WWW-Authenticate headerspecifies Basic asthetokenandasingle
realm=" quoted string " pairthatidentifiesthe realm (aprotectedspace
by the browser address.
• In response to this header, the browser displays a dialog box in which a user-
name and password are entered.
• Once entered, the username and password are concatenated into a string (a
colon is inserted between the username and password), the string is
base64-encoded,andtheresultisplacedinan Authorization headerthat's
pedia's Base64 entry at .)
• The server base64-decodes these credentials and compares them to values
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