Java Reference
In-Depth Information is a server-based authority component, in which jeff de-
notes the user information and denotes the host—there's no port.
path identifies the resource's location according to the authority component (when
sequenceof path segments (portionsofthepath),inwhichforwardslashcharactersare
with a forward slash character; otherwise, the path is relative. For example, /a/b/c
constitutesapathwiththreepathsegments— a , b ,and c .Furthermore,thepathisabso-
lute because a forward slash character prefixes the first path segment ( a ).
query identifies data to be passed to the resource. The resource uses the data to
obtain or produce other data that it passes back to the caller. For example, in ht-
tp:// ,
/software/Aquarium representsaquery.Accordingtothatquery, /software/
Aquarium isdatatobepassedtoaresource( makepage.cgi ),andthisdatahappens
HTML by a Perl script to generate a resulting web page.
Thefinalcomponentis fragment .AlthoughitappearstobepartofaURI,it'snot.
usesthefragmenttoretrievethesubordinateresource.Forexample, makepage.cgi
is the primary resource and /software/Aquarium is the subordinate resource.
The previous discussion reveals that a complete URI consists of scheme, authority,
path, query, and fragment components; or it consists of scheme, user-info, host, port,
path,query,andfragmentcomponents.Toconstructa URI instanceintheformercase,
call the URI(String scheme, String authority, String path,
String query, String fragment) constructor. In the latter case, call
URI(String scheme, String userInfo, String host, int port,
String path, String query, String fragment) .
Additional constructors are available for creating URI instances. For example,
URI(String uri) createsa URI byparsing uri .Regardlessofwhichconstructor
you call, it throws when the resulting URI
string has invalid syntax.
Tip The class declares a URI toURI() method that you can
calltoconverta File object'sabstractpathnametoa URI object.TheinternalURI's
scheme is set to file .
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