Java Reference
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catch (MalformedURLException murle)
System.err.println("invalid url");
catch (IOException ioe)
Compile this source code ( javac ) and execute java
GetResource . Thefollowingoutputpresentsashort
prefix of the returned web page:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01//en"
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openStream() is a convenience method for invoking openConnec-
tion().getInputStream() .Eachof URL 's URLConnection openConnec-
tion() and URLConnection openConnection(Proxy proxy) methodsre-
turnsaninstanceofthe class,whichrepresentsacom-
munications link between the application and a URL.
URLConnection gives you additional control over client/server communication.
For example, you can use this class to output content to various resources that accept
content. In contrast, URL only lets you input content via openStream() .
URLConnection declares various methods, including the following:
InputStream getInputStream() returns an input stream that reads
from this open connection.
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