Java Reference
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Communicating via URLs
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) isacharacterstringthatspecifieswherearesource
(e.g., a web page) is located on a TCP/IP-based network (e.g., the Internet). Also,
it provides the means to retrieve that resource. For example, ht-
tp:// is a URL that locates my website's main page. The ht-
tp:// prefixspecifiesthat HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ,whichisahigh-level
to retrieve the web page located at .
A Uniform Resource Name (URN) isacharacterstringthatdoesn'timplyaresource's
availability. Even when the resource is available, the URN doesn't provide a way
tolocateit.Forexample, urn:isbn:9781430234135 identifiesanApressbook
named Android Recipes , and that's all.
URNs and URLs are examples of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) , which are
ing URI instead of URL.
The packageprovides URL and URLConnection classesforaccessing
URL-based resources. It also provides URLEncoder and URLDecoder classes for
encodinganddecodingURLs,andthe URI classforperformingURI-basedoperations
(e.g., relativization) and returning URL instances containing the results.
URL and URLConnection
The URL classrepresentsURLsandprovidesaccesstotheresourcestowhichtheyrefer.
Each URL instance unambiguously identifies an Internet resource.
URL declares several constructors with URL(String s) being the simplest. This
constructor creates a URL instance from the String argument passed to s and is
demonstrated as follows:
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