Java Reference
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encoding (see Chapter 8 ) . The returned reader is then passed to BufferedReader
to improve performance and to obtain access to BufferedReader 's String
readLine() method,whichconvenientlyletsyoureadastringofcharacterstermin-
ated by any one of a line feed ( '\n' ), a carriage return ( '\r' ), or a carriage return
followed immediately by a linefeed.
Thethirdlineusesthe PrintWriter(OutputStream out) constructortocre-
atea PrintWriter instanceforwritingastringofcharacterstotheoutputstream,and
writer instance set to the default character encoding.
When you call this constructor, it doesn't automatically flush bytes to the output
streamwhenyouinvokea println() method.Toensurethatbytesareoutput,you'll
needtoinvokethe flush() methodafter println() .However,youcanensurethat
flushingtakesplacebyusingthe PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean
autoFlush) constructor and passing true to autoFlush .
ServerSocket isusedtocreatetheserverendofaTCPconnection.Aserversock-
that request, and then possibly returns a result to the requester.
While the server socket is processing a request, additional requests might arrive.
These requests are stored in a queue for subsequent processing.
ServerSocket declares four constructors:
ServerSocket() createsanunboundserversocket.Youcanbindthissocket
either of ServerSocket 'stwo bind() methods. Binding makes the server
socket address available to a client socket so that a client process can com-
IOException when an I/O error occurs while attempting to open the socket.
ServerSocket(int port) createsaserversocketboundtothespecified
port value and an IP address associated with one of the host's NICs. When
youpass 0 to port ,anarbitraryportnumberischosen.Theportnumbercan
beretrievedbycalling int getLocalPort() .Themaximumqueuelength
for incoming connection indications (connection requests from clients) is set
is refused. This constructor throws IOException when an I/O error occurs
while attempting to open the socket, and IllegalArgumentException
when port 'svalueliesoutsidethespecifiedrangeofvalidportvalues,which
is between 0 and 65535, inclusive.
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