Java Reference
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SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
z").parse(args[1]); and System.err.println("invalid
option: " + args[0]); tobehelpful.(Wikipedia's“touch(Unix)”
entry [ ] intro-
ducesyoutoastandardUnixprogramnamed touch .Inadditiontochan-
gingafile'saccessandmodificationtimestamps, touch isusedtocreatea
new empty file.)
2. Createanapplicationnamed Split forsplittingalargefileintoanumber
of smaller part x files (where x starts at 0 and increments; for example,
part0 , part1 , part2 ,andsoon).Each part x file(exceptpossiblythe
last part x file,whichholdstheremainingbytes)willhavethesamesize.
This application has the following usage syntax: java Split path-
name . Furthermore, your implementation must use the BufferedIn-
putStream , BufferedOutputStream , File , FileIn-
putStream , and FileOutputStream classes. (I find Split helpful
for storing huge files that don't fit onto a single CD/DVD across multiple
CDs/DVDs, and also for emailing huge files to friends. To recombine the
part files on a Windows platform, I use the copy command and its /B
binary option. When recombining the part files, recombine them in order:
part0 , part1 part9 , part10 , and so on.)
3. It'softenconvenienttoreadlinesoftextfromstandardinput,andthe In-
putStreamReader and BufferedReader classesmakethistaskpos-
sible. Create an application named CircleInfo that, after obtaining a
BufferedReader instancethat'schainedtostandardinput,entersaloop
that prompts the user to enter a radius, parses the entered radius into a
double value, and outputs a pair of messages that report the circle's cir-
cumference and area based on this radius.
4. FindAll isproblematicinthatyoucanstartanewsearchoperationwhile
an ongoing search is in progress. Also, there's no way to stop an ongo-
ing search except by starting a new search or closing the window. Modify
FindAll bydisablingitsSearchbuttonwhenasearchisinprogress.Also,
search (and also reenables Search).
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