Java Reference
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se object read from file
John Doe
The writeObject() and readObject() methods can be used to serialize/
deserialize data items beyond the normal state (non- transient instance fields); for
example, serializing/deserializing the contents of a static field.
However, before serializing or deserializing the additional data items, you must tell
the serialization and deserialization mechanisms to serialize or deserialize the object's
normal state. The following methods help you accomplish this task:
ObjectOutputStream 's defaultWriteObject() methodoutputsthe
object's normal state. Your writeObject() method first calls this method
to output that state, and then outputs additional data items via ObjectOut-
putStream methods such as writeUTF() .
ObjectInputStream 's defaultReadObject() methodinputstheob-
ject's normal state. Your readObject() method first calls this method to
input that state, and then inputs additional data items via ObjectIn-
putStream methods such as readUTF() .
Java supports externalization. Unlike default/custom serialization/deserialization, ex-
ternalization offers complete control over the serialization and deserialization tasks.
Note Externalization helps you improve the performance of the reflection-based
fields are serialized and deserialized.
Javasupportsexternalizationviaits interface.This
interface declares the following pair of public methods:
void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) savesthecallingobject's
contents by calling various methods on the out object. This method throws
IOException when an I/O error occurs. ( is
a subinterface of DataOutput and is implemented by ObjectOut-
putStream .)
void readExternal(ObjectInput in) restores the calling object's
contents by calling various methods on the in object. This method throws
IOException when an I/O error occurs, and ClassNotFoundExcep-
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