Java Reference
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for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++)
map[i] = i;
// Shuffle map.
Random r = new Random(0);
for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++)
int n = r.nextInt(map.length);
int temp = map[i];
map[i] = map[n];
map[n] = temp;
return map;
Scramble 's main() methodfirstverifiesthenumberofcommand-linearguments:
the first argument identifies the source path of the file with unscrambled content; the
Assumingthattwocommand-lineargumentshavebeenspecified, main() instanti-
ates FileInputStream ,creatingafileinputstreamthat'sconnectedtothefileiden-
tified by args[0] .
Continuing, main() instantiates FileOutputStream , creating a file output
stream that's connected to the file identified by args[1] . It then instantiates
ScrambledOutputStream , passing the FileOutputStream instance to
ScrambledOutputStream 's constructor.
Note Whenastreaminstanceispassedtoanotherstreamclass'sconstructor,thetwo
streamsare chained together .Forexample,thescrambledoutputstreamischainedto
the file output stream.
main() now enters a loop, reading bytes from the file input stream and writing
themtothescrambledoutputstreambycalling ScrambledOutputStream 's void
write(int b) method. This loop continues until FileInputStream 's int
read() method returns -1 (end of file).
The try-with-resources statement closes the file input stream and scrambled output
stream by calling their close() methods. It doesn't call the file output stream's
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