Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Thisexampleassumesthat direction storesanintegervalue.Ifthisvalueisinthe
lost is output.
Note Thisexamplehardcodesvalues0,1,2,and3,whichisnotagoodideainprac-
tice. Instead, constants should be used. Chapter 2 introduces you to constants.
Loop Statements
It's often necessary to repeatedly execute a statement, and this repeated execution is
called a loop . Java provides three kinds of loop statements: for, while, and do-while.
the empty statement. Finally, the section discusses the break, labeled break, continue,
and labeled continue statements for prematurely ending all or part of a loop.
For Statement
definitely. This statement has the following syntax:
for ([ initialize ]; [ test ]; [ update ])
Forconsistsofreservedword for ,followedbyaheaderinparentheses,followedby
a statement to execute. The header consists of an optional initialize section, fol-
lowedbyanoptional test section,followedbyanoptional update section.Anon-
optional semicolon separates each of the first two sections from the next section.
The initialize sectionconsistsofacomma-separatedlistofvariabledeclarations
loop's duration, and are known as loop-control variables .
The test sectionconsistsofaBooleanexpressionthatdetermineshowlongtheloop
executes. Execution continues as long as this expression evaluates to true.
Finally, the update section consists of a comma-separated list of expressions that
typically modify the loop-control variables.
Forisperfectfor iterating (looping)overanarray.Each iteration (loopexecution)ac-
cessesoneofthearray'selementsviaan array [ index ] expression,where array is
thearraywhoseelementisbeingaccessed,and index isthezero-basedlocationofthe
element being accessed.
line arguments that is passed to the main() method:
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